
The prize is for projects, organisations, institutions or individuals focussed on ending the use of animal testing or for research into non-animal tests, or promoting the use of non-animal tests.

Who can enter

You can enter yourself or your own organisation – please note that we do not accept nominations on behalf of other people or organisations other than for the Political Achievement recognition award.


We will accept nominations from anywhere in the world, for projects which have taken place anywhere in the world.

Consecutive years and affiliates

No organisation will receive an award for two prize cycles in a row. This normally includes affiliate groups such as departments of the same organisation in different countries.

This does not apply to Young Researcher nominations. If you are unclear whether this applies to your organisation please contact us.


The Lobbying, Public Awareness, Science and Training awards are all retrospective, that is they should have been running in the year preceding the prize award, or in the year of the award itself. For the 2024 Prize, this means projects running in 2022 or 2023.

The Young Researchers award is different, as it is to fund future research or projects.

For the Black Box Prize, research should have been completed and published within 5 years prior to the award.

Replacing animal experiments

The Lobbying, Science, Training and Young Researchers Prizes, Best Health Charity Project and Best Major Science Collaboration Awards are ‘1R rather than 3R prizes’. In other words we are seeking nominations from those working on replacing, rather than reducing or refining animal experiments.  An explanation of 3R’s can be found here on the NC3Rs website.

Requirements for winners

If awarded a prize, recipients must:

  • attend the virtual award ceremony, unless there are exceptional circumstances
  • if requested, prepare a short presentation explaining the winning project for the Lush Prize Conference and a written version for publication on the website (full details will be provided of what is required),
  • participate in the discussions during the Lush Prize Conference and winners’ roundtable session,
  • fill in an evaluation form 6 months from the award being given,
  • support the PR activity for the Prize.

Eligibility guidelines

These guidelines set out ethical and scientific principles on which the Lush Prize is based and the nature of work that is rewarded. The Lush Prize is based on the 1R of complete replacement rather than refinement or reduction.

If you are considering on making a nomination in one of the science categories (Science, Training, Young Researcher, Best Health Charity Project, Best Major Science Collaboration) please read these guidelines first.

1. The overriding aim of the Lush Prize is to reward individuals, groups or organisations who are working hard and doing most to find and push forward replacements to non-human animal testing in toxicology. Naturally therefore, the aim is that this money will be channelled towards those who aren’t involved in the use of animals.

2. Non-animal research in this sense means no use of non-human animals (including all vertebrates and invertebrates) or primary animal cells, or non-human animal-derived materials (tissues, sera, cells, embryos, antibodies, cornea, etc). Human biology-based approaches are strongly encouraged, although the use of established cell lines of non-human animal origin shall not necessarily be excluded.

3. The prize money shall be ring-fenced for non-animal use so that it cannot be used to fund any animal testing whatsoever.

4. The young researcher bursaries are intended solely for non-animal use, though we will not put any constraints on the institution at which the young researcher uses this funding.

5. In awarding the prize to academic institutions, priority will be given to research teams or groups which deal exclusively with non-animal research.

6. The prize aims particularly to reward those working in areas where funding is tight and these areas may be given priority. However, applications from large commercial organisations, including those with involvement in animal testing, will be considered from individuals or teams working within these organisations if they are solely focussed on replacement work. Priority will be given to those with a clear commitment to an open-source policy/approach towards the sharing of techniques once developed.

7. In rewarding organisations involved in training, priority will be given to those with a strong focus on replacement and not reduction or refinement.

8. Any organisation which does not quite fit these eligibility guidelines is welcome to nominate themselves if they feel they can provide a strong rationale for why we should consider them. Personal statements from individuals on their own position on animal testing will prove useful in such cases.

Ethical Consumer Research Association (the partner with Lush in the Prize) will conduct due diligence research on individuals and institutions prior to recommending the award of prizes.

Any issues that may arise will be discussed openly with the candidate. It will be helpful if candidates flag up any potential concerns in advance.

If you have any queries, please contact us.

Other unanticipated ethical concerns will be considered on a case by case basis.