2016 Conference

The annual Lush Prize Conference took place on Thursday 10th November 2016, on the theme of:

‘Regulating Chemical Safety – the future for animal use’.

Many governments around the world require products and chemicals to be proven safe for use – often with the use of animals.

Although there is a general trend to move away from animal tests in the science of toxicology, new regulatory requirements and a lack of ‘validated’ non-animal alternatives means a short-term rise in animal use is being predicted by many.

For others, a faster take up of alternative tests could see a decline and eventual end to animal use in this field. Where does the future lie for chemical safety and animals?

Some of the 2016 Lush Prize Winners spoke about their winning projects at the event.


Session 1 – Chemical safety in Europe

June 2018 is a key deadline in Europe for testing thousands of chemicals in use today under the REACH regulations, including animal tests. How are campaigners, industry, scientists and regulators responding?

Chair: Dr. Gill Langley, Humane Society International (HSI) UK and Lush Prize Judge

Gerry Kenna; Safer Medicines

Julia Baines, PISC (Peta International Science Consortium)

Emily McIvor, Humane Society International (HSI) UK

Laura McCabe, UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE)

Questions from the audience for a Panel Discussion


Session 2 – Prizewinners

Presentations from Lush Prize 2016 winners

A – Young Researchers


B – Science & Training

C – Public Awareness & Lobbying

We will be adding videos of these presentations.


Sessions 3 – A Global Perspective

Other significant jurisdictions surrounding animal testing and the use of alternatives, particularly in China and the USA, have different rules. Are there trends for increased animal use here? What collaboration between jurisdictions, if any, is taking place?

Thales Trez, 1R Insitute, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Kristie Sullivan, PCRM (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine), USA

Gauri Maulekhi, People for Animals, India

Troy Seidle, Director of Research and Toxicology, HSI Canada

Q&A session


Session 4 – Final panel discussion

What are the three main changes that need to take place before animal- free regulatory regimes for chemical safety testing will be seen?

Participation by our guest speakers, chaired by Rob Harrison, Lush Prize.

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