Training Prize

For individuals, teams or organisations involved in training others in non-animal methods.

Many established scientists may not have been trained in alternative methods or might not even be aware of them, while future scientists and students need to be provided with education in alternatives in order to be able to pursue further research in this area.

Establishing training programmes and increasing capacity, whether as one-off workshops or ongoing programmes, can make a huge difference to this field.

This prize recognises the importance of dissemination of methods among commercial scientists, researchers and students. The criteria for training is broad, and includes training existing scientists in new techniques, open-source databases, and the education of school children.

There is a £50,000 prize fund shared between all the winners of the Training Prize.

Stay up to date about entry dates and other news by signing up for occasional email updates about the Prize:


Previous Winners


2024 Prize

Massey University School of Veterinary Science, Aotearoa New Zealand, £25,000
Project: Replacement of terminal surgical practical classes with model-based skill instruction in veterinary undergraduate training.

School of Public Health, China Medical University, China, £25,000
Project: China National Workshops in Computational Toxicology Training and Application.


2022 Prize

Ärzte gegen Tierversuche e.V., Germany, £25,000
Project: NAT-Database: Raising public awareness for Non-Animal Technologies to promote a human-based research generating human-relevant results.

Prof.dr. Pamela Bejdić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, £25,000
Project: Dual Education System as a New Tool for Improving Practical Skills and Vocational Training of Veterinary Medicine Students.


2020 Prize

Helpathon Team, The Netherlands (£50,000)
Project: TPI Helpathon.


2018 Prize

Laboratory of Education and Research in Pharmacology and Cellular Toxicology, LPCT Team, Brazil (£50,000)
Disseminating Alternative Methods in Brazil and South America: Education and Training for Animal Replacement in Science.

Dr Marize Valadares on what winning a Lush Prize meant for her


2017 Prize

The Human Toxicology Project Consortium, USA (£50,000)
The Human Toxicology Project Consortium (HTPC) is an effective leader in supporting and promoting the fundamental science needed for a future without animal testing.


2016 Prize

Kirkstall, UK (£25,000)
Kirkstall’s training programme has reached over 600 scientists. The recognition and financial reward gained from the Lush Prize presents us with a great opportunity to increase the impact of our training activity and our continued efforts towards the replacement of animal testing.

Iranian Anti-Vivisection Association, Iran (£25,000)
IAVA has been working with universities for over six years, meeting with deans, teachers and students nationwide to demonstrate and introduce humane alternatives.


2015 Prize

PETA International Science Consortium Ltd., UK (£25,000)
Minimising animal testing under REACH (European chemical testing regulations) through a series of scientific webinars and face-to-face training sessions for regulators, company representatives and contractors.

Dmitry Leporsky, Ukraine (£25,000)
Campaigning for replacement alternatives in the Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and Kyrgyzstan.

Dmitry Leporsky talks about what winning a Lush Prize meant for him.


2014 Prize

Africa Network for Animal Welfare, Kenya (ANAW)
ANAW was established in 2006 as a Pan African Non-Governmental Organisation, and its mission is to work together with communities, Governments and other animal welfare stakeholders in promoting humane treatment of all Animals across Africa.

Professor Ovanes Mekenyan, Laboratory of Mathematical Chemistry, Bulgaria
The Laboratory of Mathematical Chemistry (LMC) was established 30 years ago, and is one of the most influential molecular modelling labs worldwide.


2013 Prize

XCellR8, UK (£25,000)
For providing training in ethically sound and scientifically advanced human cell culture research technologies.

Dr Anna Maria Bassi’s Research Team, LARF, Italy (£25,000)
For the development and delivery of training courses in animal-free cell culture research in accordance with EU regulation.


2012 Prize

Institute for In Vitro Sciences, USA (£25,000)
For their vital work on training researchers in non-animal methods from Brazil to Japan

InterNICHE, (£25,000)
For their work in training in former Soviet states, South America and Africa.

The Institute for In Vitro Science was a Lush Prize winner for Training in 2012. Co-Founder Erin Hill discusses the impact of winning the Lush Prize and encourages others to submit a nomination.