Lush Prize 1R Network
The 1R Network is a forum and horizontal networking tool for winners of the Lush Prize and others who are actively participating in the call for a complete replacement (1R) of animal use in research and testing.
The aim of the 1R Network is to create a collaborative network to share expertise and assist members, and others, in working towards the complete replacement of animal use in research and testing, with a particular focus on replacing animals in chemical safety assessment.
Mission of the 1R Network:
- To collaborate with other members to achieve a 1R future, where animals are no longer used in research and testing;
- To help raise public awareness of the superiority of animal-free approaches to chemical safety testing across a variety of endpoints;
- To help engage with relevant stakeholders around the value of replacing a 3Rs paradigm with a 1R approach;
- To support members in their efforts to replace any animal-based components used in their research
We welcome applications to join the network from those who share our mission, please complete this short form.
If you already have a 1R Network account you can sign in here.
1R Network Toolkit
1. Evidence supporting the network’s mission
Current EU regulatory requirements for the assessment of chemicals and cosmetic products: challenges and opportunities for introducing new approach methodologies (Pistollato, F. et al. 2021)
‘Animal Experimentation: Working Towards a Paradigm Change’ – Open access book
(Editors: Kathrin Herrmann and Kimberley Jayne. 2019)
‘Global View of Animal Experiments’ – a 2014 report by Lush Prize
‘NRC Toxicity testing in the 21st century: A vision and a strategy’ (2007)
‘Accelerating the Growth of Human Relevant Life Sciences – A White Paper‘ (Alliance for Human Relevant Science 2020)
‘Harnessing the power of novel animal-free test methods for the development of COVID-19 drugs and vaccines’ (Hartung, Leist et al. 2020).
Animals Used for Scientific Purposes (European Commission). This is a key information portal from the European Commission which is updated regularly. It includes 3Rs initiatives, but also 1R resources directly relevant to the LPARN.
Modelling the Pathogenesis of COVID-19 using the Adverse Outcome Pathway Framework (CIAO Project)
2. Relevant documentation/lists of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs)
This section provides links to key reference documents (e.g. lists of currently accepted NAMs or guidance documents on NAM use) according to international regulations (e.g. REACH (EU); TSCA (USA).
‘List of Alternative Test Methods and Strategies (or New Approach Methodologies [NAMs]’relevant to the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA); US Environmental Protection Agency (updated Feb 2021)
Read Across Assessment Framework for REACH Regulation (Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of CHemicals). European Chemicals Agency (ECHA, 2017)
3. Databases of replacement technologies
The NAT Database (Non-Animal Technologies)
Collaborative Adverse Outcome Pathway Wiki
EURL ECVAM knowledge base with descriptions of over 900 non-animal models for neurodegenerative diseases (provides link to download spreadsheet/database from JRC Catalogue)
EURL ECVAM knowledge base with descriptions of over 900 non-animal models for breast cancer research (provides link to download spreadsheet/database from JRC Catalogue)
EURL ECVAM knowledge base with descriptions of nearly 300 non-animal models used for respiratory disease research (provides link to download spreadsheet/database from JRC Catalogue)
4. Video gallery
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