Troy Seidle

Director of Research & Toxicology for Humane Society International (HSI)
Troy holds an honours health sciences degree from the University of Waterloo.
He was a leading contributor to political negotiations of the European Union’s revised regulatory data requirements for biocidal and plant protection products, and is currently engaged in similar science-policy negotiations in the pesticides, industrial chemicals, cosmetics, and other sectors globally.
He also established and co-managed the European research coordination project “AXLR8”, which organized a series of international workshops to understand how to “accelerate the transition to a toxicity pathway-based paradigm for chemical safety assessment through internationally coordinated research and technology development”.
The output of these important discussions culminated in the formulation of a comprehensive set of recommendations to guide future research programs – online at
Seidle serves on a number of high-level policy committees and expert groups at national and international levels, including those of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the EU Competent Authorities for REACH and Classification and Labeling (CARACAL), the European Chemicals Agency, the US Environmental Protection Agency, the European Union Reference Laboratory for Alternatives (EURL-ECVAM), and the European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing.
He is also a board member of the wildlife protection charity Zoocheck Canada. Seidle has previously served as assessment panelist and member of the governing body of the Canadian Council on Animal Care.
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