Isla has been selected at the ‘Lush Staff Judge’ this year. Whilst at Lush she attended Edinburgh Napier University and recently graduated with First Class Honours degree in Biomedical science.
Lisbeth is professor of Toxicology at the University of Copenhagen with main areas of research in toxicology, genotoxicology, biomonitoring of environmental and occupational exposures, alternatives to animal experiments, ethical aspects of genetic testing and biomonitoring.
Elizabeth has been a powerful advocate working with domestic and international organizations and members of the US Congress and their staffs, to advance sustainable and regenerative, science and integrity-based policies.
Bianca Marigliani is our new ‘Young Researcher Judge’. She is a biologist with a Masters Degree in Biotechnology from the University of São Paulo, Brazil, and a specialist in Molecular Biology and in Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
Troy is Director of Research & Toxicology for Humane Society International. He also established and co-managed the European research coordination project “AXLR8”.
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