Iran ends animal testing in schools

News from Dr Ramak Roshanaei, Director of 2016 Lush Prize winner the Iranian Anti-Vivisection Association (IAVA):

Finally, it is a reality! Following a long journey that started with a belief, transformed to a wish, became a hope, reincarnated as endless endeavours, and continued through failures and tears, yet still thriving, standing up and continuing, the sheer joy came!

The deputy of education at the Ministry of Education in Iran has ordered all subordinate departments and schools that all vivisection activities MUST be stopped forever in all primary and secondary school classes, and scientific contests in Iran from 27 July 2019. The letter talks about “living beings”, so we understood it to cover all animals.

The Ministry of Education governs the education system in primary and high schools. Education in universities (except for medical education) is controlled by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology. The Ministry of Health and Medical Education manages the medical education system and IAVA have also achieved successes in universities to use alternatives in medical education.

The belief in the high merit of life of all creatures bloomed again. We would like to dedicate this victory to all animal lovers and animal right activists, and express our gratitude to those special women and men in power who joined our campaign and helped turned this wish into a reality!

To quote Nelson Mandela, “It always seems impossible until it’s done!”


(This post was updated on 23 October to clarify that the ban covers primary and secondary school classes).

17 September 2019