Lisbeth is professor of Toxicology at the University of Copenhagen with main areas of research in toxicology, genotoxicology, biomonitoring of environmental and occupational exposures, alternatives to animal experiments, ethical aspects of genetic testing and biomonitoring.
Lush Customer Judge for 2017, M. Patricia Li was born in China and grew up mostly in New Jersey, USA. She holds an A.B. in Chemistry from Harvard University.
Jenny is the Reserve judge and note taker (each year Lush selects one customer to act as an reserve independent member of the judging panel and an essential independent note taker).
Jenny has a BSc and MSc in Biomedical Science and currently works in the NHS, training to become a Biomedical Scientist.
Lush staff member judge. Kelvin has been working in LUSH Brazil since 2015. He acts as a Champion for Lush Prize, is an Oceanographer, with a Masters in Biotechnology and is a future Pharmacist and Biochemist
Troy is Director of Research & Toxicology for Humane Society International. He also established and co-managed the European research coordination project “AXLR8”.
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