Young Researcher (Americas) Prize Winners 2016
The first awards to be announced for the 2016 Prize are for five Young Researcher (Americas) winners.
In 2016 we have added two regional awards, including a £50,000 ($75,000) prize shared between five scientists from the American continent.
The five winners are:
Kambez Hajipouran Benam, Harvard University, USA
Nicole Kleinstreuer, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, USA
Yu Shrike Zhang, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, USA
Kimberly Norman, Institute for In Vitro Sciences, USA
Daria Filonov, Creative Scientist Inc., USA
The awards were presented a special ceremony in Vancouver. See full details and video interviews with all five winners here.
The Young Researcher Awards encourage young scientists to develop a career in toxicology without harming animals, by offering bursaries to allow them to advance in this area.
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