Lush Prize at EUSAAT 2018

Lush Prize was at the 21st European Congress on Alternatives to Animal Testing (

It is hosted by EUSAAT (the European Society for Alternatives to Animal Testing), which is also hosting it’s 18th annual congress at the event.

The congress is held annually at Johannes Kepler University in Linz (except every third year when the World Congress on Alternatives is held).

Lush Prize is a sponsor of the congress this year, specifically for the session theme of ‘3D Models and Multi Organ Chips (MOC), Human-Organ-Chips (HOC)‘.

The congress included over thirty themed sessions across a four day schedule. With each session hosting at least five presentations, as well as several keynote lectures and round table panels, poster presentations and ‘hands-on’ training sessions, the agenda was incredibly comprehensive and shows the increasing demand for research and awareness in alternatives to animal use.

The Lush Prize continues its commitment to what we term the ‘1R’ –  the entire replacement of animals in toxicity testing and research – with more human-relevant methods. This is to gain two advantages; to improve the quality of scientific research and end animal suffering.


Our scientific consultant Rebecca Ram represented Lush Prize, and here is her diary from the event.


Day 1 (Sun 23 Sep)

Sunday saw a number of themed sessions held on Multi Organ Chips, including a keynote talk by TissUse on the application of human MoCs to enhance safety and efficacy assessment in drug discovery.

Other themes covered were alternatives to animal testing in food safety and nutrition; international progress in 3Rs and advanced safety testing of cosmetics and consumer products.

Round table Q&A sessions were also held with experts including IIVS (USA) CCARE (China) and Animal Free Research Switzerland.


Day 2 (Mon 24 Sep)

Day 2 started with a keynote presentation by Dr. Herman Koeter of the Netherlands National Committee for the protection of animals used for scientific purposes (NCad) on ‘Phasing out the Use of Experimental Animals within a 10 year period’.

A number of other sessions were held on Multi Organ Chips, Education and Training, as well as sessions on ecotoxicity and vaccines testing; human-based disease models and several key sessions on 3Rs centres across Europe, to investigate the key issue of what different centres are doing and how they can communicate on best practices to promote alternatives.



Day 3 (Tue 25 Sep)

Tuesday was opened with a keynote lecture by Dr. Jens Kurreck of TUB (Tech University of Berlin) on ‘Generating Human Organ Models by 3D Bioprinting ‘.

Other sessions included further coverage of 3Rs in education and academia, including a talk by former Lush Prizewinner Dr Anna Maria Bassi of Genoa University.

Also on Day 3 included ecotoxicology testing; in silico models to study toxicology and efficacy of drugs,chemicals and cosmetics; human disease models, stem cell methods and others. As the congress is focused on 3Rs, there are also sessions on refinement and reduction in animal use.


Day 4 (Wed 26 Sep)

The final day in Linz showcased the work of young scientists (awarded 2018 YSTA – Young Scientist Travel Awards) by EUSAAT, as well as sessions on ‘Disease Models using human cells, tissues and organs’ and finally ‘Practical Training Courses on Alternative Methods’ hosted by former Lush Prize winner Kirkstall Ltd., who demonstrated the use of their ‘Quasi Vivo’ technology.