Gagnants 2022
Les gagnants représentent 10 projets dans 8 pays.
Nous avons également deux prix non financiers, et nous avons le plaisir de récompenser un lauréat du prix Andrew Tyler, et trois lauréats du prix de l’accomplissement politique.
Vous pouvez consulter la liste complète des finalistes ici.
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The New Zealand Anti-Vivisection Society (NZAVS)
Aotearoa/New Zealand
Project: Removal of the social license of the notorious Forced Swim Test in NZ.
The Acute Systemic Toxicity team within RTI International
Project: Mapping mechanistic pathways of acute oral systemic toxicity using chemical structure and bioactivity measurements.
Sensibilisation du Public (projets existants)
Ms Carlota Saorsa & Dr Carlos Contreras
Project: Undercover investigation at Vivotecnia laboratory.
Ärzte gegen Tierversuche e.V.
Project: NAT-Database: Raising public awareness for Non-Animal Technologies to promote a human-based research generating human-relevant results.
Prof.dr. Pamela Bejdić
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Project: Dual Education System as a New Tool for Improving Practical Skills and Vocational Training of Veterinary Medicine Students.
Jeune Chercheurs
Dr Arthur de Carvalho e Silva
University of Birmingham, UK
Project: Integrating physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modelling and ‘omics data to derive health-based guidance values for perfluorinated chemicals.
Dr Sudeep Joshi
The Francis Crick Institute and King’s College London, UK
Project: A robotic process automation system for biomanufacturing animal-free in-vitro 3D tissue and organoid models for drug screening.
Dr Shagun Krishna
National Toxicology Program (DNTP), National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), USA
Project: Computational Cardiotoxicology: Building an AI-assisted alternative method-based toxicity screening pipeline.
Prof. Dr. Francesca Grisoni
Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Project: Combining artificial intelligence and human organoids for animal-free drug discovery: towards a paradigm shift.
Mr Artur Silva
Federal University of Goiás, Brazil
Project: Lung-sens-on-a-chip model for mechanistic assessment of chemically-induced pulmonary sensitization: Providing building blocks for the respiratory allergy AOP.
Andrew Tyler Award
Dr Gill Langley
Inscription au Prix des réalisations politiques
Jytte Guteland MP
MP, Social Democrats, Sweden
Tilly Metz MEP
MEP, Greens, Luxembourg
In-soon Nam
National Assembly, South Korea