我们有来自 10 个国家的 7 名获奖者。
Environment and Animal Society of Taiwan (EAST)
Project: Erasing mandatory animal testing requirements and prioritising non-animal testing methods in the chemical registration process.
Medical Device In Vitro Irritation Team (MD-IV-IT)
Project: In Vitro Irritation Testing of Medical Devices.
Dr Tim Allen, The MIE Atlas Team, Cambridge University
Project: In Silico Models to Predict Human Molecular Initiating Events.
Dr Azra Raza, MDS Centre, Columbia University
Project: Tissue Repository.
公民意识奖 – 现有项目
SOKO Tierschutz
Project: Undercover investigation at the Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology.
公民意识奖 – 未来项目
Helpathon Team
The Netherlands
Project: TPI Helpathon.
Edoardo Carnesecchi
Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences, Utrecht University
The Netherlands
Project: Early neurodevelopmental disturbances during sensitive periods of stem cell differentiation.
Nadine Dreser
University of Konstanz
Project: An innovative software platform to assess chemical mixtures toxicity and exposure.
Dr Domenico Gadaleta
Computational Toxicology Unit, Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri, IRCCS
Project: Development of an Integrated Screening Method Based on Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships Predicting Molecular Initiating Events of Neurotoxicity.
Dr Johanna Nyffeler
US Environmental Protection Agency
Project: High-throughput phenotypic profiling of human neural progenitor cells to identify putative modes-of-action of developmental neurotoxicants.
Dr Yuan Pang
Tsinghua University
Project: Construction of advanced in vitro tissue models based on 3D bioprinting and their application in drug discovery and toxicity test.
Andrew Tyler Award
An Award for outstanding contribution to ending animal testing (a non-financial prize).
Andrew Rowan PhD
Andrew is President of Wellbeing International, and former CEO of Humane Society International. He has also served on the committees of several animal protection groups, including the World Society for the Protection of Animals.
Altertox- CAAT Europe – Charles Laroche Conseil – Belgium
Open Data and Data Harmonisation within ECHA and EFSA
Animal Defenders International – UK
Campaign to ban the use of animals in cosmetics testing in Colombia
Beagle Rescue Network – South Korea
Project May-Legislation of May bill to save cloned service dogs from animal testing
Deneye Hayir Dernegi – Turkey
Local to National: Science and Right-based Lobbying
Environment & Animal Society of Taiwan (EAST) – Taiwan
Erasing mandatory animal testing requirements and prioritising non-animal testing methods in the chemical registration process
Iranian Anti-Vivisection Association (IAVA) – Iran
Replacing animal use in research and teaching
Helena Kandarova – Slovakia
Lobbying for alternatives for past 15 years
Medical Device In Vitro Irritation Team (MD-IV-IT) – USA
In Vitro Irritation Testing of Medical Devices
New England Anti-Vivisection Society – USA
Stopping California’s “Lab Gag” Bill (AB700) from Becoming Law in 2019
New Zealand Anti-Vivisection Society and HUHANZ – New Zealand
Out of the Labs campaign
公民意识奖 – 现有项目
Animal Aid – UK
Campaign to ban warfare experiments
Capital Animal Welfare Association – China
The power of education
Citizens for Alternatives to Animal Research & Experimentation – USA
Effective Advocacy Promoting Alternatives to Replace Animal Experiments
Collective for Paradigm Change in Science – USA
Animal Experimentation: Working Towards a Paradigm Change
Deneye Hayir Dernegi – Turkey
L.A.T.T.E: Going Back Home and Beyond
Djurrättsalliansen (The Animal Rights Alliance) – Sweden
Public awareness vivisection
People for Animal Rights Germany (PARG) – The Federal Association Against Vivisection – Germany
Giving animal free research and education a stage – pushing for a paradigm change
The Scarlett Beagle Campaign – UK
The Scarlett Beagle Campaign
SOKO Tierschutz – Germany
LPT (Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology)
Stichting Proefdiervrij – Netherlands
Relief animals from long research (Haal benauwde proefdieren uit longonderzoek)
公民意识奖 – 未来项目
Animal Rights – Belgium
Using a 3-pillar approach to raise public awareness about animal-free science innovations: Learn, share and connect
Innovative Science Education Network – Canada
Textbook on innovative animal-free approaches in biomedical sciences
ONG Te Protejo – Chile
‘Yo elijo ver’ (‘I choose to see’)
Charu Chandrasekera – Canada
Thinking Outside the Cage: Canadian Replacement Efforts
Chinese Center of Alternative Research and Evaluation – China
Chinese in vitro test method training
Doctors Against Animal Experiments – Germany
Supporting animal-free higher education in Eastern Europe
Helpathon Team – Netherlands
TPI Helpathon
IVTech srl – Italy
Workshops on 3D advanced In-vitro models
MUI AnimalFree Research Cluster – Austria
MUI animalFree Research Cluster
Lena Smirnova – USA
World-wide free online teaching of alternatives to animal testing on COURSERA
3Rs-Centre Utrecht Life Sciences – Netherlands
Foetal Calf Serum free database
University of Winchester Centre for Animal Welfare – UK
Establishment of an undergraduate course on Animals and Alternatives Within Research and Education
AlveoliX – Switzerland
A human breathing lung-on-chip model for reliable and predictive in vitro testing
Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing – USA
Big data and A.I. for Toxicology
Donald Ingber – USA
Human Organs-on-Chips
Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology – Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri, IRCCS – Italy
QSAR modeling of ToxCast assays relevant to the molecular initiating events of AOPs leading to hepatic steatosis
Kyung-Min Lim – South Korea
Expansion of utilization of 3D tissues in Korea
Thomas Luechtefeld – USA
Computational applications to model chemical hazards and collect biochemical data
The MIE Atlas Team – UK
In Silico Models to Predict Human Molecular Initiating Events
Eugene Muratov – USA
STopTox: An in-silico platform as an alternative to animal testing for acute systemic and topical toxicity
Organ-on-a-chip team at Brunel University London – UK
Development of organ-on-a-chip systems to study women’s health
Organs-on-a-chip Team / Smart Microfluidics, SIMTech (A*STAR) – Singapore
Organ-on-chip platform for culture and testing of biopsies and 3D cell cultures
Azra Raza – USA
Tissue Repository
VeriSIM Life – USA
Development of BIOiSIM, a biosimulation platform for rapid creation and validation of predictive biological models
Sabina Burla-Mihaescu
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg
Development of a “breathing” in vitro alveolar model
Edoardo Carnesecchi
Utrecht University, Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences, Netherlands
An innovative software platform to assess chemical mixtures toxicity and exposure
Franziska Dengler
Institute of Veterinary Physiology, University of Leipzig, Germany
Substitution of fetal calf serum in the cultivation of cell lines
Nadine Dreser – Germany
Early neurodevelopmental disturbances during sensitive periods of stem cell differentiation
Domenico Gadaleta
Computational Toxicology Unit – Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology – Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri, IRCCS, Italy
Development of an Integrated Screening Method Based on Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships Predicting Molecular Initiating Events of Neurotoxicity
Káren do Carmo Gonçalves
Federal University of Goiás, Brazil
New in vitro methods for evaluation of phototoxicity and photoalergenicity potential of chemical substances: rapid, low complexity and cost test
Candice Johnson
Leadscope, Inc., USA
In silico toxicology protocols
Peter Loskill
Eberhard Karls University Tübingen & Fraunhofer IGB, Germany
Towards all-human Organ-on-Chip systems
Christian Lotz
Fraunhofer ISC, Germany
Validation of an impedance-based eye irritation test for the detection of all GHS categories
Serena Manganelli
Nestlé Research, Switzerland
Translation of computational toxicology and its application in risk assessment
Steffi Matthyssen
University of Antwerp, Belgium
Eradicating the need for animal testing in ocular drug development
Johanna Nyffeler
US Environmental Protection Agency, USA
High-throughput phenotypic profiling of human neural progenitor cells to identify putative modes-of-action of developmental neurotoxicants
Yuan Pang
Tsinghua University, China
Construction of advanced in vitro tissue models based on 3D bioprinting and their application in drug discovery and toxicity test
Carlos Eduardo Matos Dos Santos
Altox Ltd, Brazil
In Silico Toxicology Platform (iS-Tox®)